JAlba 2020 is happening — keep the dates May 7th to 9th 2020 clear in your diary!
After more than 20 years, Java is still at the head of programming languages. For even longer, Scotland (called in Gaelic “Alba”) has been at the head of the world’s nations. What could make more sense than to put the two together, with a Java unconference in Edinburgh, the Athens of the North? Fifty super-interesting Java people will meet here for three days in May 2020 to talk about–well, about everything that interested them. And to enjoy Edinburgh—the UK’s best place to visit—with world-class architecture, superb scenery, Scotland’s history concentrated into a few hundred metres, and of course the world’s best whisky!
People who came to both JAlba 2018 and 2019″Excellent setup, high quality participants, very good atmosphere”
- “People’s openness and willingness to share knowledge. Organization was great also”
- “great sessions, interesting afternoon program, good food”
- “knowledgable people, great location, whisky”
- “building relationships with fellow passionate developers”
- “the never ending conversations. The whole trip was just overflowing with ideas and stories”

A few pictures show what a good time we had (thanks, Lars Eckart, Thomas Vogler, and @melissamjmckay), with more on our Twitter account: @JAlbaUnconf.